Plough in the Stars was created in 2010. The farm started in the garden in the backyard of the house where I was born. It then expanded into 4 "garden" plots along Argilla and Northgate Road. Each had its own micro-climate providing me adaptability to the ever changing weather. The farm was always about producing the highest quality vegetables in a way that is ecologically sustainable.

The Farmers


My love of food and farming started in my first year when my mother and father would bring me into the garden, set me amongst the tomatoes and flowers and go off to do their work. With a passion for the outdoors and an appreciation for a hard days work it was inevitable that I would return to the garden. In the fall of 2009 the desire to start my own farm became something I could no longer ignore. After gaining valuable experience at Brookfield Farm, Seeds of Solidarity and First Light Farm in Hamilton, Ma I decided to start Plough in the Stars Farm. After 8 satisfying years of growing the farm, I decided to change course and return to school. Completing an MS at Antioch University, I’m now working with Nourishing the North Shore to increase access to healthy, local produce across the region.


Every farm needs someone who can do it all. Mike was that person for Plough in the Stars. He could bunch kale faster than anyone, build anything the farm needs, and fix electrical, plumbing, and mechanical mishaps. He was also the farm's and still is Caitlin's loudest cheerleader. Most of his working hours are now spent with his own company, Coppersmith Electric. 90% of his diet continues to come from the North Shore’s bounty.